The main kinds of medical documents we are translating are: user guides and instructions for medical devices and equipments, drug prospects, medical history of patients, results of medical tests, scientific works, studies, medical manuals, procedures, medical rules and standards, clinical reports etc.
The medical translations need a high degree of responsibility of the supplier of such service in this field. Therefore, we are working only with professional translators, being able to guarantee you linguistic skills in the medical field. Although technology is very important in the field of medical translations, the human contribution guiding the document through the filter of a specialised translator is the defining factor which provides quality to translation service. Regardless the performance of automat translation tools, they cannot perceive multiple senses and significations of notions. Regardless the language, we have polysemantic words and the entering of it in the context of the medical document translated avoiding any kind of ambiguity is directly determined by the specialised knowledge of specialised translator or translators participating to the project.