The interpretation services include: consecutive interpretation, simultaneous interpretation and chuchotage. Since interpretation needs maximum concentration, the interpreters work always in team. The size of the team depends on the duration of event and complexity of subject, and if different meetings take place in parallel in different halls and the multitude of issues on agenda.
For consecutive interpretation, the message is translated from target to source language consecutively. The message is divided in segments and the interpreter stands next to source-language speaker and listens while the latter expresses the message. When the speaker stops, the interpreter presents that part of message in target language.
The disadvantage of consecutive interpretation consists in the fact that it is twice longer than simultaneous interpretation. At the same time, the technical requisites are lower: no special equipment is needed for small rooms but only normal sound equipment for big halls.
For simultaneous interpretation, the interpreter presents the message in the target language as fast as it may formulate it from source language whereas the target-language speaker continues the speech. The interpreter stays in a soundproof cabin, maintaining visual contact with the speaker and, through the translation console, it may listen the speech by sound system and interpret it in the target language. Simultaneous interpretation is heard by audience of target language in headphones.
This method is often used when interpretation is necessary simultaneously and during a limited time in several target languages. A special case of simultaneous interpretation is chuchotage. The interpreter stands next to a small target-language audience and whispers a simultaneous interpretation of what´s have been said; This method needs no equipment, but a microphone and headphones may be used, if the participants prefer to. Chuchotage is used when the majority of a group speaks a certain target language and a minority (ideally, maximum 3 persons) needs translation.